The Evening Review

One of my take home from the recent retreat was The Evening Review (a material given to us by Ate Vylma Ovalles, our retreat facilitator). I re-designed it, printed and taped it in our bedroom 🙂

Evening Review

In the past months, before a goodnight kiss, I asked Diam and Gem what is their “thank you” to God for the day. This time, I’m using the evening review with them.

You may like to use it too 🙂

Sing A pore La!

One item from my bucket list has been ticked off!

Finally, Ila meets the OMF IC for the first time!
Not only that, I was able to have a photo in this familiar OMF landmark 🙂


I’ve been with OMF since 1999 and this is my first time to visit our International Center which is in Singapore. It’s really good to meet people face to face wherein I have been interacting mostly through email and skype.

Rose and I took the opportunity to explore Singapore a bit, with the help of our kind tour guide Loida. Thank you very much Loida!

First, to Sentosa…


Second, around Marina Bay Sans…

Marina Bay1Marina Bay2

Then off to Gardens by the bay and light show…

Garden by the baylight showsatay

The next morning, Rose and I went to the Botanic Garden which is just opposite OMF. Kuya Jay Hallowell commissioned us to enjoy the Orchid Garden:-) Thank you so much Kuya Jay for the special treat.

Botanic Garden1Botanic Garden2Botanic Garden3Botanic Garden4Botanic Garden5

Of course, we won’t forget the warmth hospitality of Brian, Laureen, Ruth and Anwen Powell who accommodated for our two nights stay in their apartment. Thank you so much Powell family.


Thank you once again dear Lord for another rich and refreshing experience in Singapore.